Getting to Know you...
Getting to know you...
1. What time did you get up this morning?
It was too hot to sleep, and I missed the train home so I was stuck downtown. I caught a MAX home at 8:30, and went to sleep at 10:00 this morning. I got up at 12:45 in the afternoon to rush downtown again for practice.
2. How do you like your steak?
Converted to something less fiendishly expensive. But when I do eat steak, I like it well done. Eating raw cow blood isn't worth tenderness & taste, to me.
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
The newest Terminator movie.
4. What is your favorite TV show?
I don't have or watch TV, but my past favorites are The Simpsons and Married With Children. Al Bundy is my hero and Christina Applegate will always own my heart.
5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
Wherever my kids are. So, Portland Oregon. And to be honest, I'd probably choose Portland anyway. I really love this town.
6. What did you have for breakfast?
3 Bagels with a chunk of cheese, a green pepper and a jalepeno.
7. What is your favorite cuisine?
8. What foods do you dislike?
Fish, shellfish, octopus, etc.
9. Favorite Place to eat?
The Greek Cuisina in downtown Portland. Sometimes people take me there for my birthday, which is awesome. 2021 update: It closed down years ago. :( Now my favorite place to eat is at my mom's house.
10. Favorite dressing?
Ranch, usually, though Thousand Island often steals my taste buds and runs amok with them.
11.What kind of vehicle do you drive?
A beat-up minivan with one working door, no struts, and a sheet of plywood bolted over the missing left rear window. 2014 update: A white 1990 Ford Probe named Casper with headlights that fold up and down. My kids and I love Casper! 2021 update: a blue-green Chevy Cavalier Rally Sport; Casper retired about 2 years ago.
12. What are your favorite clothes?
Whatever's leftmost in my closet... clean clothes are hung on the right, and what I wear comes from the left. I have the fashion sense of Oscar the Grouch.
13. Where would you visit if you had the chance?
New Zealand, Maine, Scottland, the Moon and just about anywhere else.
14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?
Half full, for sure.
15. Where would you want to retire?
Deep in the woods in a house built into a hillside.
16. Favorite time of day?
Each time is my favorite in different ways. Sunrise is magical and sparkling with potentials. Sunset is magical and soothing with reminiscense. Noon is bright & exciting. Midnight is mysterious and exciting.
17. Where were you born?
Bountiful, Utah.
18. What is your favorite sport to watch?
Cheer competitions. 2021 update: Sport acro competitions.
19. Who do you think will not tag you back?
No idea.
20. Person you expect to tag you back first?
Probably Lemon. She has a more steady online presence than anybody I know.
21. Who are you most curious about their responses to this?
I dunno, I guess I'm egocentric 'cause I like sharing this kinda stuff more than I like reading others' responses.
22. Bird watcher?
Only if the bird is 25 or older, has no boyfriend, and has shown an unmistakable romantic interest in being watched by me. 2014 update: Bird's gotta be 30 or older, now. 2021 update: I don't watch birds anymore.
23. Are you a morning person or a night person?
More night than morning, but I love mornings, too.
24. Do you have any pets?
O'Malley the Alleycat and Bug the palamino critter-kitten. 2021 update: Pantalaimon, my Adventure Buddy, who is just over a year old.
25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share?
My life is all about new & exciting, but it's pretty repetitious. Performing fun stuff with Kazum, stunting with amazing new people, meeting a bjillion new names and faces and learning all I can about them, and in the last few months, being approached by ladies for the first time in my life. 2021 update: 2 months of living a lifestyle that aligns solidly with my beliefs.
26. What did you want to be when you were little?
A Mormon father and husband. It's still what I want to be, ironically, though I do virtually nothing to work toward that goal. 2021 update: I'm working steadily toward that goal, now.
27. What is your best childhood memory?
Going to 4-H camp at Lake Tahoe, where I was outgoing and charismatic for the first time in my entire life and discovered that I've got a knack for it just like my old man. I also kissed a girl for the first time there. *dreamy sigh* Shereen. Aw.
28. Are you a cat or dog person?
Dog, but I love cats as well.
29. Are you married?
Twice! But not currently. I hope to get remarried some day but I have no idea what would need to happen for me to feel comfortable with that idea again. 2014 update: No real change here.
30. Always wear your seat belt?
Unless it's within a block or two.
31. Been in a car accident?
Fender-benders, nothing major.
32. Any pet peeves?
Tons of them, but most I've learned to cope with on my own. I really dislike people who yell or rage at others when they're upset. Even though I've become adept at not calling out hypocrisy in others it still really annoys me... probably because I (like the rest of us) am replete with hypocrisies. My favorite one is, "I'm an open-minded person." So far, I've never seen that comment fail to indicate a remarkable closed-minded attitude.
33. Favorite Pizza Toppings?
Barbeque chicken, ham & pineapple.
34. Favorite flowers?
35. Favorite ice cream?
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Actually, that's only my favorite mainstream ice cream. My for-reals favorite ice cream is made by some specialized company in California and it's ridiculously expensive... like $300 for a quart. I was given a half-dozen of them one year by one of the vendors at work, and I was absolutely blown away by how astoundingly *good* it was.
36. Favorite fast food restaurant?
Wendy's. 2021 update: Burger King, 'cause they still have $1 burger options. Wendy's has gotten all expensive; I don't eat there anymore.
37. How many times did you fail your driver's test?
None. It was lame, though, 'cause I'd never driven an automatic until the test and it really messed with me not having a clutch.
38. From whom did you get your last email?
Either a terribly rich widow from Ethopia who needs someone to help her spend her husband's money, or a company which assures me that Viagra will solve all of my problems or a nice young lady who saw my profile online and P.S. I should check out the hot pictures on her website 'cause FaceBook always bans them they're so hot. *eye roll*
39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
Maxing out credit cards is a bad, bad idea, so I'd probably go with the Dollar Store in order to minimize my losses.
40. Do anything spontaneous lately?
I am one big pile of spontaneous lately. It's burning me up, kinda.
41. Like your job?
I teach kids to tumble and adults to stunt. I love my job! 2021 update: I build things Monday through Thursday, and on Fridays I teach kids to tumble. I love my jobs!
42. Broccoli?
Ooh, yes, with vinegar. Yum.
43. What was your favorite vacation?
Disneyland with mom when I was 7 or 8. I was so awed and entranced by the pure magic of it all. It's hard to imagine a kid more blissed out than I was.
44. Last person you went out to dinner with?
Mary made me dinner at her house with yummy all-natural foods 'cause she only eats organic food grown on estate-quality farms where pure vegans massage the animals and rub vital nutrient oils carefully into each happy vegetable. 2014 update: My mom and sister! 2021 update: Ben, the guy I work with. He sometimes takes us out to lunch, or dinner after work.
45. What are you listening to right now?
Random library chatter. There's a single mother trying to keep her yowling munchkin distracted and I want to help but spontaneous offers of childcare by sweaty old dudes are typically not very well received, I've found. 2021 update: The Fellowship of the Ring audiobook.
46. What is your favorite color?
47. How many tattoos do you have?
None. My body is a temple. *sigh* I'd get one, but then my kids would say, "I thought we were supposed to honor and respect our bodies" and I'd have once more demonstrated hypocrisy.
48. How many are you tagging for this quiz?
No idea. 2021 update: Nobody; it's going onto my Blog page and my diary. But I'll BCC my mom, my sister-in-law Sophia, and my online BFF Suzi.
49. What time is it?
5:51 PM PST
50. Coffee Drinker?
When I need the caffeine. If I use caffeine too much it eats me alive.
(Facebook Note from 7/30/2009)