Scott's Blog

A place for me to condense some of my spammy stream-of-consciousness-style thoughts & opinions. Feedback and comments are eagerly welcomed, especially if they're critical. I'm a big fan of input from others in my journey for self-improvement.

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Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

I'm a twice-divorced father of the 5 most amazing boys on the planet. I play guitar & sing, I play board games & RPGs, and I coach partner acrobatics for fun - I used to perform in the circus.

Thursday, April 03, 2014

When should I start training? Should I get in better shape first?

I want to address a common belief about learning to stunt.

I very frequently hear people say, "I've thought of learning how to stunt but I'd need to get in better shape first." Allow me to explain my disagreement. :)

Strong people learn to stunt quickly, because their muscle allows them to push the tricks into place and hold them there. They gradually learn better technique as they progress, but they have a very difficult time mastering more advanced tricks, or even doing intermediate tricks very well, because the muscle does it for them and they don't have to use correct body lines and momentum.

Weak people take much longer to learn how to stunt, because they don't have muscle to do it for them. They have to learn how to do it right, with bone lines and momentum. As a result, they have to learn to stunt correctly, and they learn it right - assuming they're being coached to do it right rather than just to hit the trick.

I've trained thousands of cheerleaders and acrobats, and watched this play out time and time again. Big strong bases and little strong flyers pick it up quickly! At least, up to a point. And then their lack of efficiency kicks in and they slow way down in their progress.

Scrawny bases and heavier flyers take much longer to learn stunts. They absolutely have to do it right in order to make it work, and that is hard to learn. But when they get it, they master it.

During the process of learning, you'll get in shape. Don't wait to learn a physical skill until you're in better shape. Start now, and get in shape while you're learning really efficient form because you have to in order to perform the skill.

Make sure you have a coach who keeps you safe and pushes you beyond what you're comfortable with. At least, if you want to maximize your learning. If you wanna take lots longer but retain comfort, there are plenty of "gentle" coaching options out there. If you wanna learn quickly, pick a coach who pushes. Be cautious... some coaches push beyond safety limits. Cheer stunt training is infamous for this. Ask other students how frequently injuries occur in training, and avoid coaches who have a relatively high injury-to-students-trained ratio.

But if you wanna learn to stunt... learn to stunt. Don't wait until your muscles can do it without having to do it right. :)

(Facebook Note from 4/3/2014)


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