Scott's Blog

A place for me to condense some of my spammy stream-of-consciousness-style thoughts & opinions. Feedback and comments are eagerly welcomed, especially if they're critical. I'm a big fan of input from others in my journey for self-improvement.

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Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

I'm a twice-divorced father of the 5 most amazing boys on the planet. I play guitar & sing, I play board games & RPGs, and I coach partner acrobatics for fun - I used to perform in the circus.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Naia's party, Miranda

Nobody wants to read steamy details, I've decided. Well, people might, but that's too bad.

I do wanna catch up a bit, though.

There were two parties that night to go to. Uli was excited to go to Naia's Welcome Home party, and I was, too. But I was even more excited to go to Miranda's party. Miranda is the newest Kazumite. I should introduce her.

A few months ago, prior to Kazum becoming Zacless, we did a benefit show for the Sprockettes. Alex (son; 13) came along, 'cause he was living with me during the summer. We were greeted to a nude bike parade as we arrived, which was a surprise. The venue was awesome but the performance was a challenge for a few reasons. I had a lousy performance, nearly forgetting things constantly. We missed a Chinese Star (Kazum's name for the common cheer stunt called a DiamondHead) although we repeated it and nailed it. One of the girls got hurt, there was discomfort about some other stuff... all in all the girls had a miserable night. Zac and I didn't, though, and we've learned how to have a great time regardless of others.

Accordingly, we decided to set up our mats and do some freestyle stunting & acro & gymnastics. Zac was gonna do it anyway and he's stupid-crazy if not reigned in. So it was purelyin the interests of safety that I joined him. Really.

As we were hanging around resting after the show, I noticed a cute little redheaded girl who epitomizes "attractive" in a girl (for me). I pointed her out to Melissa and mouthed "My Type!"

A few minutes later the hot little redhead and her date paused as they walked past. She started talking to me, obviously really excited about the show and impressed and stuff. Flushed with confidence, and trusting that she was with some dude, I jabbered at her happily rather than pulling my customary duck & cover routine when meeting a pretty girl. She'd competed in double-stunting in college and she was jonesing to get back into it. I invited her to stick around and stunt with Zac and I. She did! And that's how I met Miranda.

Uli & Melissa were really hesitant about this. But they gave me permission to not only stunt with her while the rest of Kazum was on their Chautauqua tour, but also to use the Egg. So, Alex and Miranda and Ben and I did so. Ben is a cool guy I met at Do-Jump.

Miranda asked if I wanted to enter the Mercury Talent Show with her. I was totally down. Again, Uli and Melissa were not, but they didn't forbid it, either. So Miranda and I tried out. The tryout was pretty disastrous, though. :( And afterward Miranda sorta dropped out of touch... until I suggested that Uli call her when we discovered that Melissa was gonna be a mama. Uli & Miranda hit it off immediately, as I'd hoped they would, and Miranda's been an absolutely amazing addition to the group.

Anyway, Miranda was having a party that I really wanted to go to after Naia's Welcome Home bash. Gaelen had sent me the Sure Thing text message, and I was excited to spend time at the party with her and Alex. I also brought Jed, Aaron and Zane. Jed drove and we'd planned for him to drive back home with Aaron & Zane, while I hung out with Gaelen & Alex.

The party was much fun. Alex hit it off with Creature Nick & Cherise, which I figured would happen despite the initial black mark Alex got by being introduced by me. Nick & Cherry are awesome and they treat me great but they can't stand me. We're more or less the epitome of opposites in too many ways. :) And that's why it's really cool that we get along well.

It was great to see Naia, too. I love that girl.

Zane was a little obnoxious. He's going through some kind of young adult midlife crisis that's semi-baffling and quite annoying. I like him and I want to support him but he's just really tough to be around. And drinking makes that even worse.

Uli wanted to stay at the party well into the night, and then she wanted to go home. That's what nights with Uli are often like... it drives Aspen crazy sometimes. :) This time we were her ride, so we were all required to leave and take her home instead of going to Miranda's party. By then it was pretty darn late, anyway, so it wasn't a huge issue... but I'm still really bummed that I couldn't go to Miranda's shindig.

As we left, Gaelen informed us that Zane had spouted forth some cryptic stuff and then walked off into the night. Aaron went looking for him without any luck. Suddenly I had to either abandon my date and go hunting for crisis-boy, or put Aaron and Jed in charge of finding him. I chose the latter, with Jed's assurances that he was fine with that. So off they went looking for Zane the Distraught. Alex was having fun so he stayed at Naia's place. The rest of us took Uli home and then I went to Gaelen's place with her.

Jed & Aaron found Zane, who refused to be fetched. So Aaron had to abandon Jed and babysit Zane. That sucked; Jed had to drive home alone and illegally. He got lost twice, but he called and I walked him back to the route home.

And that was the end of the party portion of the evening! I was gonna post a blog about me & Gaelen but that's just not something that anyone wants to know about. Or if they do, they should be ashamed of themselves. Suffice it to say that Gaelen attacked me and we spent one of the most glorious nights of my life, together.


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Blogger Alexander Dial said...

I am ashamed of us all. Except me.

Such shame . . .

9:55 PM  

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