Scott's Blog

A place for me to condense some of my spammy stream-of-consciousness-style thoughts & opinions. Feedback and comments are eagerly welcomed, especially if they're critical. I'm a big fan of input from others in my journey for self-improvement.

My Photo
Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

I'm a twice-divorced father of the 5 most amazing boys on the planet. I play guitar & sing, I play board games & RPGs, and I coach partner acrobatics for fun - I used to perform in the circus.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wow, I have a blog

I forgot I had this. Cool.

My single spam-bot reader must be wondering what's up in the Life of Scott. So, I'll post an update.

I kissed a girl on my birthday. That was pretty cool. I already blogged about it elsewhere but I should probably repeat it on this blog site. Update: Posted!

I'm performing gymnastics and stunting with Kazum, a local acrobatic dance group. We have all-new members other than Uli and myself, but despite that we're going strong and really pushing our performance to a new leve. It's so exciting I can't talk too much about it or I'll wet myself.

The boys are healthy and happy. We recently built a Kitty Kastle, but my cats are just too big. Oh, these are new cats... Griffon had to be put down from a shattered hip and Suess lives with Chad & Ashley now. The new kittens are brothers: O'Malley the Alley Cat and the runt of the litter, Abu. I should get a picture of 'em. I should've gotten some pics when they were tiny, crud.

My sister and her husband moved into my apartment complex, and I see 'em all the time. It's lovely.

I'm finally done being celibate and single. Well, I may stick with the celibate thing simply 'cause I am unwilling to let romance & sex eclipse my life again. It's been nice taking 2 years off from single-minded obsession with girls. I feel a lot more healthy than I was 2 years ago.

But I do wanna kiss someone. My birthday kiss was superb but I suspect that there are even more wimmen out there, and from a statistical viewpoint surely one or two of them might find me attractive.

Hm, maybe not. My current hairstyle is more likely to attract a chimpanzee than a human. And my stunning sense of personal style has remained impeccably deficient since it first broke, in grade-school. I keep wanting a girl who doesn't care that I'm a shaggy dork and digs me for what's inside... but honestly, who's ever gonna make it past the ironclad "shun me" image that I wear? Huh? Who?

I've been my typical hyperactive self on my newest online endeavor: It's great 'cause I can make lots of friends. There are terrifyingly attractive ladies there, but many of 'em live in nice safe places like Florida and Texas and Michigan. I can befriend women who are far away. It's the local gals that make me feel all skittish.

But being online friends is cool, even with the local girls. And it's not like I'm gonna have to fend off hordes of wimmen or anything; see the shaggy dork conundrum above.

I think I'm gonna use this blog spot and then paste copies to the iHeart blog area. This one is more permanent (in that it's been sitting here collecting virtual dust for years).

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