Scott's Blog

A place for me to condense some of my spammy stream-of-consciousness-style thoughts & opinions. Feedback and comments are eagerly welcomed, especially if they're critical. I'm a big fan of input from others in my journey for self-improvement.

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Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

I'm a twice-divorced father of the 5 most amazing boys on the planet. I play guitar & sing, I play board games & RPGs, and I coach partner acrobatics for fun - I used to perform in the circus.

Monday, December 21, 2009

White Album Christmas 2009 - second show

The second White Album show went a little better than the first, overall. Miranda & I dropped our Cupie - cursed Cupie! But everything else went well and the show was a success.

Remember a few months ago when Dutch & I stunted with a gorgeous lady named Joey in Kazum panties? Well, Dutch & I (mostly Dutch) have stayed in touch with Joey, and she got herself into town for the show despite huge challenges in doing so. Joey's a single mom who lives about an hour south of Portland. She does techie work with computers and she's been really scrounding for work lately, so she's nearly as broke as I am. She's supermodel-pretty, and she has an adorable 9-year-old son named Sascha whom I've only briefly met.

I got Joey into the show, and she'd brought Dutch and I gifts - homemade Irish Creme Liquor. Yum!

After the show we all meandered to the basement speakeasy - my favorite place in the world to have afterparties! Clover was there, even more anxious to stunt than I was, which is an accomplishment. We ran through our stunt sequences, though it was outside on pavement in the dark and that put a damper on things somewhat. We still did well, though. I can't wait until we move into the harder stuff!

I wasn't sure if Joey was interested in me, but it turns out that she was. Yay! Despite being broke & nearly homeless, the last week has seen me attracting the interest of two of the hottest ladies I've ever had the good fortune to get to know. And they dig me - surely a side-effect of oxygen deprivation from being elevated in stunts.

Anyway, Joey went home with me to Clackamas. I'm not sure what's going to happen in the future - we're both carless and broke. It's fairly pathetic. But we made a strong connection and I'm hoping to spend lots of time with her. I don't want more pretty girls to fall into relationships with... I much prefer a monogamous relationship. Might Joey be such a committed relationship? It's possibly too early to tell, but I sure am holding on to high hopes of spending more time with her when we can make that happen.

So, to summarize my life - I'm mostly unemployed, still moving my stuff out of Mary's basement, working for rent in Clackamas, yet still living a fun-filled life of adventure and excitement surrounded by excellent people I love deeply. I'm gonna seriuosly miss Dutch & Uli & the other Kazumites over the Christmas holidays.

My life is far better than it has any right to be. I'm deeply grateful for that, and especially for the amazing people who are responsible.

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