Scott's Blog

A place for me to condense some of my spammy stream-of-consciousness-style thoughts & opinions. Feedback and comments are eagerly welcomed, especially if they're critical. I'm a big fan of input from others in my journey for self-improvement.

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Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

I'm a twice-divorced father of the 5 most amazing boys on the planet. I play guitar & sing, I play board games & RPGs, and I coach partner acrobatics for fun - I used to perform in the circus.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Tasha's moving back to Logan

A few days ago my sister and her husband decided it's time to throw in the towel. :(

They were married at the Arboretum, 8 years ago. They moved to Portland about 2 years ago, ending up in the same apartment complex I lived in at the time. I've loved - so much - having them nearby. I spend a lot of time there - playing Rock Band with Jem, playing D&D with Tasha & Jem & Korey, hanging out there with kids, helping clean & do dishes, crashing there now & then. It's my primary home-away-from-home, and I've grown lots closer to my kid sister than I've ever been before. I love her and Jem with all my heart.

They're working together really well to accomplish Tasha's move back to Logan, which happens in 2 days. It's heartbreaking but I'm so glad there isn't hatred and vitriol going on.

I keep switching between sad, lonely misery for Tasha & Jem, to elation over my bright new crush on Joey. I'm really glad that my life is full of so many positives right now, 'cause this is a huge negative that synergizes well with my own broke & nearly-homeless situation.

Tasha's holding it together really well - she really buckles down during a crisis. But she's hanging on by a fingernail and it's breaking my heart. They are going to miss one another so powerfully. :(

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Anonymous Jem said...

I feel that I ought to post something here, but I don't know what.

The obvious thing your readers want, I guess, is an explanation. Jem likes Tasha. Tasha likes Jem. Jem and Tasha are separating. Clearly, there's something that doesn't quite add up.

I don't have an explanation to give. I could start by coming up with some reasons, but reasons are tricky things for me, and each individual reason that I find just demands its own explanation.

"Yes, but why is that?"
"Yes, but why is that?"

And eventually you reach a place where you just don't have answers anymore, but there's nowhere along the path of questions that seems like a good place to stop.

So, vague will have to do. I have some problems. Tasha has some problems. Our problems are interacting with each other in ways that are hurting us both quite a lot. Mine are worse, in my opinion, so if you're wondering where to put blame, I'll take more than half. Both of us hope that separating will give us each a better chance to resolve our own problems.

And that's all I have to say, really. I'm glad that I can still count on your friendship, and I'm glad that both Tasha and I still like each other enough that we're not trying to hurt each other during the breakup.

1:25 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

Sorry, didn't mean to infer that an explanation was required. :(

I've divorced, twice. I didn't really hide behind how horrible someone else was... "we can't resolve our conflicting baggage" is a more or less accurate description of most divorces I've seen. Who's baggage is relatively heavier isn't a big deal, in the long run, though popular procedure often seems to run toward villifying the "other person" - picking a side.

I don't much care about the issues except as they pertain to me. They rarely do, though.

I love the stuffing outta my sister, and I've also come to love Jem fiercely. It's painful to see them both hurting, but that's a part of life and I'm okay with pain. Mostly I find myself feeling disgusted that I can just barely keep myself afloat, let alone give someone else much of a hand.

Both Tasha & Jem are amazingly considerate and loving in the way they're doing things. I'm glad. Things could be so very much worse.

It still breaks my heart, but I still love 'em and we'll all pull through. That's what people do.

1:15 AM  

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